SSPI Podcast
This is the podcast of the Space & Satellite Professionals International. On this channel, we release podcasts in two series: Better Satellite World and Making Leaders.
SSPI releases a new podcast every Monday.
Featured Podcasts
Bits, Bytes and AI, Oh My!
The podcast series of the Digital Space campaign, underwritten by Hughes, delves into the rapidly evolving world of digital technology and its transformative impact on the space of satellite industries. In this series, we explore the intersection of artificial intelligence, machine learning and space based digital infrastructure with industry leaders and technologists. In episode 2, we hear from Dr. Jennifer Seiler, astrophysicist, software developer and Senior Engineer at RKF Engineering Solutions, LLC.
Sponsored by Hughes and RKF Engineering
New Ideas in Space Safety
In the podcast series of Reducing the Risks of Space, Part 2: New Ideas in Space Safety, we explore policy, law, technology and operations in development now to manage the challenging space environment of the future. The third episode features a conversation with renowned industry journalist Peter B. de Selding, Co-Founder and Chief Editor of SpaceIntelReport and Member of the Space & Satellite Hall of Fame.
Underwritten by the Space Shuttle Children’s Trust Fund
In this Better Satellite World podcast, based on the July 2024 edition of the New York Space Business Roundtable, we hear from Greg Eghigian, Author & Professor at Penn State and Nick Reese, Co-Founder & COO of Frontier Foundry. They discuss unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) and the numerous questions around them such as why we are spending so much to learn about UAPs and what would happen if we discovered we are not alone.
Movers in Our Orbit
In this podcast series, we speak with friends of SSPI who recently made big executive moves. We’ll find out what they’re doing now and what they hope to achieve in their new roles in the industry. In episode 3, we hear from Laura Cummings, Associate at Greenberg Traurig, LLP and 2023 “20 Under 35” honoree. Laura focuses her practice on space law and commercial space regulation, providing legal support to businesses dealing with complex matters pertaining to space, satellite, and telecommunication industries. Her work scope is global, involving policy-making, legislative interpretation, and application of regulatory frameworks.