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Better Satellite World



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The modern world literally runs on satellite – from data networks and TV to Internet, agriculture, energy and transport – though far too few people know it.  The commercial satellite industry is now attracting a new generation of entrepreneurs and investors dedicated to lowering launch costs, downsizing spacecraft, servicing them in orbit and delivering ubiquitous connectivity at competitive prices. The Better Satellite World campaign shows the world why our industry, though often invisible, is indispensable to modern life, through powerful stories and videos that depict space and satellite technologies contributing to the economy, society and sustainability of planet Earth.

SSPI Members can download high-resolution copies of all videos for use in promotion and presentations at no cost. Visit our online store to access them.

Featured Videos

Byte-Sized Space

A long time ago, the world was analog. Now it’s digital, and it’s time for space to be digital as well.

Sponsored by Hughes

Putting a CAP on Climate Change

Learn how nations in the EU are benefiting from the fusion of multi-orbit, public and private satellite data to meet ambitious climate goals for farmers.

Sponsored by Planet with additional support from Artel, Comtech and RKF Engineering

Satellites and the Art of War

Learn how satellite data analysis revealed the hidden role of a Maritime Militia in China’s efforts to dominate the South China Sea.

Sponsored by Ursa Space Systems

Flying Higher

Satellites so high above the Earth they’re invisible are key to the dream of a world where the Internet is everywhere.

Sponsored by Hughes


Better Satellite World episodes feature conversations with people whose work in space & satellite make a stronger economy, a better society and a more sustainable planet. They demonstrate why space technology is indispensable to modern life.

Podcasts →

The Better Satellite World Awards Dinner

The Better Satellite Awards Dinner honors the enormous contributions of the satellite industry to the economy, safety, security, governance, development and health of the planet.

Sponsors include:

Astroscale | Clyde and Co. | SES

Click here to learn more about the Dinner!

With Thanks to Our Corporate Partners

For Teachers

Videos that Inspire Interest in Space & Satellite

SSPI has selected videos from its long-running Better Satellite World campaign to help teachers inspire the interest of middle-school and high-school students in the world’s most exciting technology industry and motivate them in the STEM and STEAM studies that will prepare them for it. Click here to access the videos and materials.

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Better Satellite World Origins

The Better Satellite World campaign began with this video, aired for the first time on March 17, 2015 at the SSPI Gala:

What Has a Satellite Done for You Lately?

Support the Better Satellite World Campaign

Support the campaign by sponsoring an individual story and video produced by SSPI. For greater impact, step up to become a campaign Patron or Leader and SSPI will produce a story and video about your company’s technology and services contributing to a better world. Depending on how you chose to sponsor, recognition in stories and videos generates up to 375,000 gross impressions across the industry over six months.


The Better Satellite World campaign was created by the Space & Satellite Professionals International in partnership with