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Better Satellite World Podcast: Invisible, Indispensable Infrastructure, Episode 4 - Satellites as Infrastructure

It’s an exciting time to be a part of the space and satellite industry. Launches are happening every day from New Zealand to Florida. The ground systems are going virtual. We have software-defined satellite. And all of these changes are coming together to impact the way satellites interact with infrastructure. As an industry, we are now in a place where we are augmenting and sometimes even supplanting terrestrial infrastructure.

In the fourth podcast of the Invisible, Indispensable Infrastructure podcast series, we explore this topic in-depth with a panel of five women experts from SSPI-WISE (SSPI Women in Space Engagement). This episode is based on the recent SSPI-WISE online conversation, Satellites as Infrastructure, that took place on April 25, 2024.

Our expert panel includes:

  • Toni Lee Rudnicki, Fractional COM/Founder, TLR Consulting LLC and Elevating Women Working Group Co-Chair (moderator)
  • Haley Bauser, Senior Product Engineer, Varda Space Industries
  • Beatrice Mok, Corporate Development Director, Kacific
  • Caroline Reid, Spacecraft Operations Engineer, Rocket Lab
  • Sarah Tulaimat, Senior Account Manager, Appliot




You can watch the original video conversation here:


The Invisible, Indispensable Infrastructure podcast is underwritten by


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