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 Can satellites help bring an end to the war in Europe?



The battle for Ukraine has been a desperate fight.  One filled with miscalculations, brutality and an horrific loss of life. The everyday peace and serenity needed for societies to thrive has been upset in great cities like Kyiv and Kharkiv.

Europe, the USA and most of the world wants it to end. It will eventually end. But how? 

Sheer exhaustion? Or can satellites and commercial space play a role?  The industry CERTAINLY will play a role in Ukraine’s recovery when it is over.  But as with all wars, technologies advance at an accelerated pace and this one has seen the rise of satellite’s role in ways that surprised analysts. Does it offer a clue to the war’s possible end?

It was satellite constellation data from Maxar News Bureau that proved to the world’s credible journalists that the Russian advance was not a feint. It has been satellites and space operations that have supported intelligence operations, drones and the communication between the government in Kyiv, its war fighters and its brave citizens.

This aspect has been transformative.

Please join TIME Magazine reporter Vera M. Bergengruen, recently back from Ukraine where she reported on the nation’s communication network, including satellites, along with Artiom Anisimov, CEO, EOS Data Analytics, who'll join us from Ukraine, David Myers, President & CEO of UltiSat, Inc. and author of a new book about Earth observation and Stephen Wood, Sr. Director of the Better-Satellite-World-Award-winning Maxar News Bureau, as we ask,  “Can space and satellite help bring peace or an end to the conflict? If so, how?”

We take a look with experts at where we stand in early 2024 with regard to the commercial space industry and a battlefield that has bled two societies, threatened the stability of Europe and will take at least a generation’s wealth to repair.

Please join the New York Space Business Roundtable and our special guests as we take a look at the industry’s role in the War for Ukraine.

Roundtable regulars from SpaceNews Magazine will give the “Significant Digits” report and New York Space Alliance’s founder Joe Fargnoli’s “New York Minute” is not to be missed.  SSPI will also premiere a new video, Satellites and the Art of War sponsored by Ursa Space.

 Panelists include:

  • Artiom Anisimov, CEO, EOS Data Analytics
  • Vera Bergengruen, Sr. Correspondent, TIME
  • David Myers, President & CEO · UltiSat, Inc.
  • Stephen Wood, Senior Director - Maxar News Bureau


NOTE: The registration link provides access to all three first quarter episodes.  

  • January 17: What We Want!
  • February 21: Ukraine & Satellites
  • March 27:  What did we NOT hear at Satellite Conference?  


21 Feb 2024
12:00pm - 1:15pm EST

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  • Online via Zoom




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