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“The days of investors funding cool science projects is over.”

That was the word from last month’s Roundtable in New York, when the media, finance industry and entrepreneurs gathered to discuss what they DID NOT hear at this year’s Satellite Conference.

With overall investment in the commercial space and satellite sectors down $30B from 2021 the question of what is investment-ready and what might be longer-range or a category shifter is what the April Roundtable will be asking.

We will be looking at technologies that make sense as business models or like, AI, have started to filter into the product and service stacks on both the government and commercial sides. 

We will ask “is the time right for investment?” And what do investors NOT know about the potential or lack of it? From meta materials for flat panel terminals to nuclear propulsion the New York Space Business Roundtable, in its very real style, will ask, “Tomorrow or in 20 (Years)?” for these investments to make sense.

Panelists include: 

  • Justin Cadman, Co-CEO, Quilty Space

  • Chris Craddock, Founder & CEO, RocketStar 

  • David Mitlyng, CEO, Xairos

  • Marta Calvo, COO & Co-Founder, Helicity  (invited)

Our usual online program will include the Significant Digits Report from SpaceNews, the caustic New York Minute with the New York Space Alliance’s Joseph Fargnoli and a special Better Satellite World video.




17 Apr 2024
12:00pm - 1:15pm EDT

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  • Online Via Zoom