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The Orbiter - We Are Doing It!

SSPI has released the Digital Orbiter magazine for the month of October 2016: We Are Doing It!

For the second time in the past four years, all three winners of the annual Promise Awards are young women. It is no accident. It’s a trend. On average, three-quarters of winners fom 2013 to 2016 have been women, compared with only one-quarter in the prior four years. In a business where 85% of the workforce is male, according to our most recent workforce study, the Promise Awards point toward a different future. Women once predominated in marketing, government relations, human resources and similar “relationship” jobs, but 70 percent of the female Promise Winners since 2013 have been engineers.

What does it mean? It means that the companies in our industry are getting smarter about spotting talent, regardless of the package it comes in. Not only are they spotting it, they are actively giving talented people challenges that fully engage them and help bind them to the organization’s mission. Those are two recipes for long-term success.

In this issue:

  • Introducing the 2016 Promise Award Winners and Mentor of the Year!
  • How They Got Here: A Conversation with the Promise Award Winners
  • Where are They Now? A Conversation with Past Promise Award Winners
  • Making an Impact - A Story from Clayton Mowry, 2013 Mentor of the Year
  • Upcoming Events
  • Plus more!

Click on the image below to read the issue, which can be accessed from computers, tablets, and mobile devices!

 November 10, 2016